5 pasos para diseñar un Plan de Capacitación en tu empresa


The training es un proceso que permite adquirir, actualizar o ampliar los conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes del personal que integra la organización. También ayuda a adoptar y dominar las herramientas adecuadas para la realización de tareas asignadas. Por ello, es de suma importancia desarrollar y ejecutar un plan que permita fomentar el desarrollo integral del personal y lograr una mayor productividad individual y mayor rentabilidad del negocio.

Independientemente del giro o tamaño de la empresa, la capacitación es primordial para el desarrollo de conocimientos, habilidades, conductas o actitudes del personal. Esto permite una mayor preparación de tus colaboradores y un mejor conocimiento sobre sus funciones, ejecución de sus actividades y dominio del equipo que tienen asignado. De este modo, se generan múltiples beneficios tanto en el campo individual como a nivel organizacional.

Colaboradores capacitados conocen más sobre sus funciones, cómo ejecutar sus actividades y cómo manejar el equipo que tienen a su cargo.

El desarrollo de este proceso requiere llevar a cabo una serie de pasos para garantizar un correcto diseño del plan, así como una debida ejecución y seguimiento de su aplicación.

Below are briefly described the 5 basic steps that you should consider to successfully carry out the training process in your workplace.

Basic steps to design and execute a training plan in your company

To generate a successful training plan, activities are required that allow defining and executing the actions to achieve the outlined results. Therefore, in this article we have prepared a step by step that you should consider when carrying out the process.

1. Detect and classify training needs

Currently, jobs change rapidly to adapt to the market, which means that the demands required of workers also change. This is why the detection of needs becomes the key piece of the entire training process.

To identify the company's training needs, we must compare the current and future skills required for each job with the real profile of each worker.

Identifica y jerarquiza las necesidades de capacitación en tu empresa.

Depending on the business objectives, it is necessary to determine what skills or capabilities the company needs to develop in the short, medium and long term.

Once the needs of the organization and the workers have been identified and defined, classify and prioritize them with the support of the management team. Arrange them in a time horizon based on their urgency or importance.

2. Define the objectives

It is important to identify the relationship between the training that is intended to be offered and the application of what will be learned. It is necessary to specifically define the results to be achieved with the delivery of the training program; and indicate the expected behavior of workers at the end of the process.

These objectives must be formulated in a clear, precise, measurable, achievable and concrete manner so that once the execution of the training plan is completed they can be correctly evaluated.

3. Prepare the Training Program

Based on the budget and the material and human resources that the company has, the content to be developed, the techniques to be used, the scheduling of dates and times, the group of people to be trained and the instructors who will teach the content are determined. .

3.1 Audiencia

  • As a first step, you must select the audience to which the training will be directed. The most important thing is that you choose the collaborators or groups that can have the greatest impact on achieving the company's objectives. You must take into account prior knowledge, experience or other requirements that must be met to be candidates to receive training.

3.2 Formato

  • Likewise, you must define the thematic content of the training and the format in which you want it to be taught. There must be coherence between the training objectives and the topics that will be addressed. Depending on the characteristics of the audience and the information that is planned to be transmitted; You must select the most appropriate format (course, workshop, diploma, etc.) as well as the modality (in-person or online). The best option will be the one that adapts to your objectives. Based on the above, you must select the suitable trainers.
Para que tu capacitación sea efectiva, debes seleccionar formato, modalidad y capacitadores idóneos.

3.3 Recursos

  • You must also provide the educational means and resources required to provide the training. Prior to the execution of the program, you must have the ideal materials and technological support to develop the transfer of knowledge in the best possible way; as well as defining the necessary infrastructure (conference or meeting rooms, projection room, practice workshops, etc.).

3.4 Programación

  • Subsequently, you must determine the duration and execution schedule, ensuring that the sessions are not too long. Preferably schedule the sessions during work hours so that workers feel paid for training and do not feel any rejection of the training.

3.5 Evaluación

  • Design the evaluation system that will allow you to have measurements about the training process and the individual learning of each participant.

The integration of all the concepts mentioned in this section will make up your training program.

4. Run the Training Program

Before starting the sessions, make sure to disseminate the training program among all the actors involved. Raise awareness among the management team about the importance of the program and the sponsorship required for its implementation, and be sure to communicate to employees the benefits of training. Likewise, check that all the infrastructure and logistical aspects are prepared.

Difunde y sensibiliza para lograr los resultados esperados.

5. Evaluate the results achieved

The analysis of the evaluations carried out by each participant during the execution of the program will allow you to know the perception of the staff regarding the content and the process in general and the learning obtained by each participant. The above will give you the necessary inputs to raise the need to provide a reinforcement cycle; or possible improvements to the process in subsequent applications. Likewise, in the medium-long term you must evaluate the impact of the training through the management indicators of the processes considered by the plan to measure the improvement in performance, safety and job satisfaction in the organization due to the actions provided.

Lo que no se evalúa, no se mejora.


The 5 steps to design a Training Plan. Training is one of the most profitable investments a company can make. Adequate planning of the human component in an organization requires a permanent training policy. Managers must be the first interested in their own training and the first responsible for training the personnel under their charge. Thus, work teams will improve their performance.

The success or failure of this process will depend largely on the design and execution of the training plan you use to transmit the knowledge or skills you want to develop. At Coacharte we help you generate the perfect plan to achieve your company's objectives.

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