Resource allocation REPSE

Specialized Resource Allocation Services

Sometimes our clients need flexible human resources, that is, they require temporary staff that carries out certain activities, but whose support will not be needed permanently. This made us see that we could fulfill our goal of becoming their strategic allies helping them fill these positions.

For this reason, for several years, we have registered with the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and hired project management specialists (Project Managers) and information technology specialists (SAP, ABAP, JAVA, S4/HANA, ORACLE, ANDROID, PYTHON, software developers, network specialists, brand monitoring projects, etc.) that can be subcontracted by our clients

Specialized Resource Allocation Services

Why is it important to hire specialized REPSE resources?

 Since the labor reform of the outsourcing, the Labor Law requires that providers of specialized services, whether individuals or legal entities, have the aforementioned registration with the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare. This is the REPSE and is essential when the activities of these collaborators are NOT directly related to the corporate purpose or main economic activity of the organization. Otherwise, the payments they receive cannot be deducted from taxes.

The main objective of REPSE is to have an updated, statistical and control collection that contributes to identifying, registering, regulating and supervising all natural and legal persons in the country that provide specialized services or execute specialized works. It seeks to improve the conditions of the worker, since the STPS requires registered companies to report quarterly reports with details of the payroll registered with the IMSS, to be up to date on taxes and contributions to the SAT, IMSS and INFONAVIT, avoiding practices incorrect actions that left them helpless. 

How does our Specialized Resource Allocation (REPSE) service work?

To assign a resource according to the profile required by the client, we base ourselves on a pre-established process whose steps are as follows:

After receiving the client's request, we review the profiles of our collaborators. If one meets the requirement, we send the resume to the client for review and, once we have approval from Human Resources, we schedule a follow-up interview. Since all filters are passed, the resource is assigned until the project ends.

If for any reason, the candidate is not chosen or we do not have a profile that meets our client's specifications, we review our portfolio of prospects and choose the most suitable one to satisfy the particular need. The following steps are the same as the previous case.

In this understanding, we can be the nurseries of talent in organizations, always seeking the well-being of the collaborator and establishing a win-win relationship among all those involved. 

Keep in mind that outsourcing temporary staff, whether IT or project management, simplifies the work of your company's Human Resources department, since it represents a prior filter and we can even support you with a complete team of specialists.

If you are interested in temporary personnel solutions and are looking for specialized services mentioned above that are NOT in your corporate purpose, COACHARTE may be your option. You can also review the articles on this topic that we have uploaded to our blog. 

Some of our customers
