Optimization of Processes and Structure Organizational
Process Optimization Services and Organizational Structure
We help increase business efficiency through projects that require defining, documenting, restructuring and/or improving the quality of your processes. We explain the benefits of end-to-end process analysis instead of focusing on functional silos.
We use various methodological approaches according to the nature of each project, such as: Lean Six Sigma, BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation), etc.
In addition, we have various participation schemes, offering for each project a complete team, SMEs (Subject Matter Experts or specialists) and we can work globally or cover a particular aspect (individual track).
Operation Model, some points to consider:
- To move towards meeting their objectives, organizations need to make decisions and define the strategy to follow.
- Internally, they execute a set of processes to produce their products or provide their services.
- They define an organizational structure based on the roles and responsibilities of their collaborators and the work flows that must be carried out.
- They rely on technology to automate some processes, seeking to improve productivity and/or reduce costs.
- All of the above points, added to each person's belief system, define the organizational culture, which, in turn, affects the way work is done.
Why is it necessary to carry out process improvement? Our focus.
Let's first define what a business process is:
Processes are a continuous, repeatable series of related activities that, through the use of resources, convert one or more inputs into one or more outputs, creating value for the customer.
Processes are necessary to fulfill the company's Mission, but not all are equally important. There are several types: substantive, strategic and support. However, on a day-to-day basis, people can execute them without knowing how their task connects with the whole or why they do it.
Process Disaggregation
Any company that needs to innovate, whether because it is seeking continuous improvement or increasing its efficiency, must analyze its processes. Coacharte supports them in this effort. Our experts observe and interview people to disaggregate processes until they reach the task level.
Once they are clear and classified, we work with the client to redefine the organizational structure and identify the functional automation requirements, using as a guide the objectives that senior management has set.
Methodological framework
Analysis of the Current Situation
- Analysis of the operation and strategy.
- Construction of the process catalog (if applicable).
- Obtaining current process information.
- Study and observation of processes.
- Problem analysis, identification of opportunity areas and definition of priorities.
High Level Design
- Definition of redesign premises.
- Optimization and modeling of the desired situation of high-level processes.
- Definition of priorities for design and implementation in the first cycle.
Detailed Level Design
- Disaggregation of processes: subprocesses, policies and procedures.
- Design of adjustments to the organization model.
- Definition of automation requirements.
- Preparation of procedure manuals.
- Adjustments to positions and areas.
- Construction of technological infrastructure.
- Communication.
- Training.
- Accompaniment.
- Monitoring and adjustments to the implementation.
- Sustenance.
- Implementation and continuous improvement cycles.
Training on the Job
By applying the “Training on the Job” scheme, we help the results of the initiatives to be sustained over time and we also contribute to promoting continuous improvement. Therefore, we train the client's team so that they know how to carry out each of the activities.