Changing Organizational Culture with Remote Collaborative Work


The evolutionary advance of ICTs (Information and Communications Technologies) has allowed certain work activities to be carried out outside the office, practically from any place enabled with the necessary technology. This modality is known as: Collaborative Remote Work. Its adoption has grown dramatically as a result of the health emergency we currently face.

The incorporation of new technologies in the processes and the change in work modality to a remote or mixed scheme, present changes in the organization. For example, values and behavior patterns, which generate a cultural change.

Implications of Change.

Every change initially brings with it a degree of anxiety and uncertainty among the personnel that make up the organization. Employees form their values, methods and self-image around the organizational culture that is inherent to them. 

When implementing a substantial change in the way of working, there is a stage of opposition from some people who make up the organization.

In our experience, in a Remote Collaborative Work implementation project, it is common for there to be resistance to change. Mainly on the part of senior and middle managers when they show concern about the constant lack of supervision of the employees under their command.

To guarantee success in the implementation of a new work modality, a cultural transformation must be promoted that allows for the generation of flexible policies. Promote characteristics and values necessary to guarantee success in the remote execution of daily work activities.

A new culture.

The ability to react to the change in scenario generated by the Covid 19 pandemic has brought with it an acceleration of digital transformation processes.

In some cases they were already in the initiation process in different forms and levels of development and that has involved the implementation of measures that are expected to mark a starting point towards a new organizational culture.

Therefore, it is essential to rethink:

  • Existing policies
  • Management styles
  • The motivational aspect to guarantee the adoption of the changes.

lor previous can be transformed by means of Collaborative Remote Work.

Personnel characteristics for effective Remote Collaborative Work.

The following stand out as necessary characteristics of the staff:

  • Results oriented.
  • Be flexible.
  • Engaged.
  • Autonomous.
  • Have full knowledge in the management of information and communication technologies.

These features are essential. Above all, working by objectives is the most used form of measuring results.

Transform by communicating.

Coupled with the values of the organization and the characteristics of its employees; It is important that the project to implement other work modalities is accompanied by correct and timely communication; based on the sponsorship of management towards all employees. The above, carrying out training sessions and talks with middle and managerial managers to gradually introduce the change in the culture of the organization; and that no problems arise between the benefit provided by the company and the personal considerations of the managers.


Successful Remote Collaborative Work cannot be implemented without an appropriate culture that approves and supports it. It is necessary for the company to develop characteristics such as flexibility and trust among its employees.

In conclusion, leaders have to work on building trust and employees on achieving results without the need for constant supervision.

Is your company ready to implement Remote Collaborative Work?

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