Business Training Programs: essential points

Business training programs are a fundamental component for the development and sustainable growth of any organization. However, according to the article Strategic Training in the Company published in the business magazine ITAM in 2015:

“Many companies apply ineffective training methods […]. If training is only done when there is time or resources, or if it is done because the employee is not capable of doing his job (training), we speak of a minimum training, which is poorly planned, which does not have a clear focus and which is not aligned with the company's vision. Minimum training stagnates the company's processes, which, therefore, progressively stops being competitive."

The quote above highlights a key element: training It must be aligned with the critical business processes and, therefore, with its strategic planning.. In the words of Roberto Pinto Villatoro: “The formation of the human factor in organizations requires diagnosis, design, transfer, reinforcement and permanent recycling to achieve behavioral changes applied and aligned to the critical business processes and the strategic objectives of the companies. ”.

In this article, we will explore what business training programs are, why they are necessary, what the Federal Labor Law establishes about them, how they are created, and common mistakes that should be avoided when implementing them. To write it, we interviewed our collaborator Rafael López, a trainer registered with the STPS, who shared his knowledge of the subject with us.

What are Business Training Programs?

In the new work culture, both workers and employers are in constant training, which helps them improve as individuals but, at the same time, has a positive impact on the organization to which they belong.

Employees need to constantly improve their skills.

Business training programs are initiatives designed to improve the skills, knowledge and competencies of employees within an organization. These programs cover a variety of areas, from specific technical skills to the development of soft skills, such as effective communication and leadership. It is worth mentioning that soft skills are often left aside, but it has been proven time and again that they are just as important as technical ones.

In this regard, Connect Americas emphasizes: “crises are not only resolved technically, but rather in an adaptive way such as those provided by the Soft Skills“.

Importance of Business Training Programs

The need for training programs in the business environment is undeniable. They provide employees with the necessary tools to face challenges, improving the operational efficiency and general productivity of the company. Continuous learning will help maintain job validity and develop and innovate various work processes.

Profedet highlights the following benefits:

  • Quality and improvement in tasks.
  • Reduction in time and supervision.
  • Solving problems with different vision.
  • Awareness of new challenges.
  • Ethical development and motivation of staff.
  • Creation of high-performance work teams,
  • Security and self-esteem in workers.
  • Greater specialization, as well as flexibility in their tasks.
  • Greater performance and reduction in attention times in the work carried out.

The Federal Labor Law and Training Programs

Currently, the Federal Labor Law, in Chapter III Bis, talks about the Training and Training of workers and states in Article 153 A. Every worker has the right for his employer to provide him with training or training in his job that allows him to raise their standard of living and productivity, in accordance with the plans and programs formulated, by common agreement, by the employer and the union or their workers and approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare.

Employees also have a responsibility in their training.

Employers may agree with workers to receive training inside or outside the same company, given by their own personnel, hired instructors, institutions, schools or specialized organizations, which have a registration with the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare. (source:

Preparation of Business Training Programs

As we mentioned before, a training program must be well planned and designed. The first step should be to carry out the detection of training needs (DNC). This may involve surveys, performance reviews (to see if the employee met their goals or not), and meetings with employees (to identify why they failed to achieve certain things).

An expert can help you determine the features of the training program you need.

Once the needs are identified, the Annual Training Program can be designed, which must be aligned with strategic training. Several points will have to be defined that are sometimes not very clear within the company, for example: Will it be taught to all employees or will it be segmented? Will it focus on the different hierarchical levels of the organization or on the processes? Are workshops, conferences, courses or diplomas required?, etc. On these occasions, the support of a specialist on the subject is invaluable.

Once you are clear about what you want to do, the budget will be assigned and suppliers will be sought, who must clearly specify:

  1. the objectives of the program,
  2. the content,
  3. the instructional activities that will be used,
  4. teaching resources and
  5. the evaluation processes they will carry out.
Training programs must be aligned with strategic planning.

Afterwards, the training is developed and when it ends, a new evaluation must be carried out, not only of the participants, but also of the provider. The process must become a virtuous circle in which each training program helps the company go one step further in its growth and competitiveness.

Common Errors to Avoid in Implementation

  1. Lack of Personalization: A common mistake is to adopt generic approaches. Training programs must be tailored to the specific needs of the company.
  2. Lack of Continuous Evaluation: Failure to evaluate the impact of training can result in repeated errors. Constant feedback is essential.
  3. Not Including Employees in the Process: Active employee involvement in program design increases acceptance and commitment.
  4. Ignore Technology Trends: In the digital age, it is crucial to incorporate technological tools into training programs to maximize their effectiveness.
We must prevent our training from being ineffective.

In short, business training programs are an essential component to the long-term success of any organization. By understanding their importance, complying with labor laws, and avoiding common mistakes in their implementation, companies can create more productive work environments and more competent employees.

At Coacharte we are experts in designing training plans and programs. that suit your needs. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

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