The advantages and disadvantages of the “Home Office”


He "Home Office” is not a new way of working, it has been practiced in Mexico for several years. Today we want to talk to you about its advantages and disadvantages.

The “Home Office” is more of a lifestyle than a way of working, that has come to stay. 

After an opinion poll carried out by Coacharte we collected the following data:

Advantages of the Home Office.
  • 80% of people prefer to do REMOTE WORK than earn more money. 
  • 23% of employees increased their productivity by doing REMOTE WORK. 
  • 18% less expense than in person. 
  • 40% decrease in personnel turnover. 
  • 50% will do REMOTE WORK at the end of 2020 worldwide. 
Evolution and adaptation.

During the time of confinement, the “Law of Social Biological Adaptation” was applied, with our only option being to evolve to work from home; adapting from the facilities and work material, even emotionally.

Our bosses evolved their leadership styles to be able to accompany us in this process of adaptation to the new reality. We can deduce that in this new modality we all grew: we became enabled to speak through the computer; to listen to people carefully through headphones; we learned to read emotions from the other side of the screen through the computer frame and we learned to read the needs of our boss and our coworkers remotely. 

In this scenario, WhatsApp, Zoom and Zoho became our meeting rooms and our main means of communication. We are learning to read minds. 

We evolve like animals and adapt to a new ecosystem. There was no other option for anyone, but clearly we preferred to be independent, organize our times, our tasks and even our emotions.

We had no choice. Some of us panicked about the disadvantages of not working in the office and even had to do remodeling at home. Some of us adopted new habits, learned to be self-taught, became better friends with videos and long texts on the screen or took refuge in books.

Nowadays, videos and quick guides are our best allies, but being in confinement taught us not to live so quickly and to value our personal skills and our capacity for resilience. 


Saving money, time and avoiding emotional exhaustion are important factors to take into account. Trying both options and reflecting on what makes us happier is essential for personal, professional and emotional development.

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