Pillars offered by our methodology


The Pillars offered by our methodology as we have described in previous articles; people are the most important value for a change since it depends on them whether the change is brought to reality or not, that is, if people know how to do it, if they are informed, if they are aligned, if they are recognized, if they are trained... most likely, the adoption of the change will be a success!

How to make it a success?
To achieve this change our methodology offers the following pillars:
  • Sponsorship – Seeks the alignment of leaders and key figures in the organization so that they accept, adopt and promote change within their work teams and the organization.
  • Sensitization – Accompanies key actors in the adoption process, detecting their key concerns and impacts generated from the change.
  • High performance teams – Seeks to standardize the knowledge and skills of the multidisciplinary team focused on meeting the project objectives.
  • Knowledge transfer – Allows the transfer of new knowledge to the different levels of the organization impacted by the change.
  • Communication – Provides relevant information, derived from the project, to each of the identified audiences, supporting the understanding, understanding and adoption of the change.
  • Organizational impact – Gives visibility to the impact that the project will bring to the organization in technology, processes and people who will be involved.
The Implementation of each Change Management Pillar:

We carry out the implementation of each of the Change Management pillars through a strategy aligned to the project phases, achieving the following:

  • In the analysis phase achieve the conscience level to counteract the confusion generated by a new project.
  • In the design achieve the compression level to counteract the negative perception of the project.
  • Construction achieve the adoption level to counteract the decision not to support the project.
  • In Implementation and support achieve the commitment level to counter the aborted change after deployment.

Change management is so important that It is necessary to include it in any project because it works with the most important resource of any organization – PEOPLE –.


We support the adoption of organizational changes derived from the implementation of new processes and technologies. Change management accompanies change projects considering the elements that directly impact people such as: awareness, training, alignment, communication.

We use various methodological approaches according to the nature of each project: 8's Kotter, Daryl Conner's Change Management Model, LaMarsh Managed Change, Kurt Lewin's 3 Change Models, ADKAR, among others.

We implement the change management model that best suits the needs of the organization.

We have various participation schemes in the project: full team, SME's, specialists or by individual Track.

Learn in detail about our methodologies; visit our Blog, as well as our social networks where you will learn more about us: LinkedIn and Facebook.

If you want to know about this and other topics or need to contact one of our specialists; visit our page: www.coacharte.mx or schedule an appointment and an expert can advise you, Click here!

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