REPSE: what is it? Who is required to register? and other FAQs

The REPSE (Registry of Specialized Service Providers) It is a digital registry implemented by the Mexican government. By this means, a record of external service providers operating in the country is kept. Its main objective is regulate and make personnel subcontracting transparent. It implies new obligations for companies that provide specialized services other than the corporate purpose of their clients.

With these measures, which took place in 2021, the STPS (Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare) seeks to combat tax evasion, protect the rights of workers and end bad practices derived from the outsourcing.

The REPSE protects the rights of workers.

Who is required to register?

“The natural or legal persons who provide specialized services or carry out specialized works and who wish to provide said services or specialized works to a third party (contractor) and to do so put their own workers at the disposal of the contracting party“. (STPS source).

The REPSE covers a wide range of services offered by external companies, such as:

  • Business consulting
  • Juridical services
  • Design and construction
  • Information technology (IT) services
  • Supply of goods and equipment
  • Health and education services
  • Surveillance companies
  • maintenance companies
  • Accounting services, etc.
The services it covers are those that are not directly related to the corporate purpose of the contracting party.

Who is exempt from this obligation?

Some independent professionals and small businesses are exempt from registration with the REPSE. These cases vary and depend on the type of services and the amount of annual income. On the other hand, remember: yes No you make your workers available to the contractor to carry out the services and specialized works contracted No you are required to register.

What are the requirements to register in the REPSE?

Step by step guide

First of all, you must demonstrate specialization and be up to date with tax and social security obligations before the IMSS, SAT and Infonavit, otherwise, registration may be denied. It can also be denied because the documents presented are illegible and for other reasons that you can consult in the point 5 of the Frequently Asked Questions on the STPS REPSE page.

Companies that belong to the registry must be up to date with their tax and social security obligations.

Necessary documentation when everything is in order:

  1. official identification of legal representative.
  2. Tax ID
  3. Proof of tax address.
  4. Detailed information on the services offered by the company. It is important to consider that the required documents may vary depending on the company's activity and updates will have to be consulted directly at the STPS.

Registration process:

  1. Access REPSE official site and open the section called What is the procedure?
  2. Create an account using the electronic tax ID.
  3. Fill out the registration form with the required information.
  4. Attach the necessary documentation in digital format.
  5. Send the request and wait for confirmation from the authorities.
The process is done online.

Registration Tracking:

  1. The authority takes 20 business days to respond. If you have any particular questions, go to the official site and go to the section: How do I check the status of my procedure?
  2. Once this procedure is approved, the applicant is provided with a unique registration number.
  3. This number must be included in each contract, as well as the pages of the activities of the corporate purpose or the proof of tax situation registered in the Register and that correspond to the specific subcontracted activity.
  4. It is important to keep information up to date to avoid future problems.
  5. Registration must be renewed every three years.
  6. The registration can also be canceled for different reasons such as providing services that are not registered, there are debts in tax or social security obligations, failure to comply with the registration requirements, etc.

What are the advantages of hiring companies or professionals registered in the REPSE?

He outsourcing or outsourcing of services themselves has always had advantages: according to the Special Employment Center in Barcelona (Femcet) improves productivity, saves costs, allows focus on the company's main activity, access to innovation and diversity and affects quality improvement.

One of the great advantages of hiring specialized resources is the reduction of costs.

The problem that occurred in Mexico for several years was that, due to bad practices, workers were left unprotected and without access to compensation and benefits necessary to have decent working conditions. Due to this, the regulations changed.

Today, registered companies have greater credibility. By working with them you can be sure that They comply with regulations, take care of their workers and have a commitment to quality and integrity. Also helps reduce labor and fiscal risks, improves human resources management and contributes to the economic development of the country by combating tax evasion and the informal economy.

Companies registered in the registry have greater credibility and a commitment to quality and integrity.

Coacharte is precisely one of these companies. The allocation of specialized resources is one of our pillars and we have several years of experience. If you want to know how our service works, click here and join the portfolio of satisfied customers!

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