What is Change Management?


Nowadays more and more organizations talk about Change Management, but really: What is Change Management or Change Administration? How and what is it used for? Where should it be applied? Who decides what to do? Who does it?

We will try to answer these and more questions in the following article.

The importance of change management in organizations and projects.

To talk about the importance of Change Management, it is necessary to start from its definition; Change Management is the discipline that accompanies organizations and collaborators to meet objectives in an orderly, effective and short-term manner. This is achieved through:

  • The leadership alignment.
  • The identification of processes and audiences that will be impacted by the change either directly or indirectly.
  • Through a communication approach that will accompany the implementation from start to finish.
  • The management of training for the development of skills and knowledge that facilitate the adoption of change.

Nowadays changes are a constant, however, it is still necessary to learn to manage them. We do not always feel benefited, they usually make us uncontrolled, scary and take us out of our senses. status quo. Others are challenged and we see an opportunity in them, but: How do we identify what causes change in us? 

It is at this point where the support and experience of the specialists in Change Management takes on particular relevance. Although organizations do not ask us if we want change, if we are ready or want to be part of it, sometimes we simply have to adapt, but what about true adoption? How do we make it part of our daily lives? 

Fortunately for those of us who are dedicated to this, there are more and more companies that are asking these questions and giving us the opportunity to accompany them in the process. In most projects, 3 actors are involved:

  • Processes: Today they are defined based on new methodologies or best practices that are established through various work mechanics.
  • Technological tools: I cannot conceive an organization without a large investment in the technology part, why? Due to the high volume of information they handle: the opportunity to have it available in real time and the speed of response for decision making become key.
  • People: Those responsible for materializing the entire effort are the collaborators, again, this is the third element where we gain great importance.
How to manage change?

Based on our experience we believe it is essential to line up to the high direction, who will be the first to believe and promote the change and subsequently seek the alignment of middle management and key people, as well as understand the vision of the change and define a comprehensive strategy.

Change Management is not limiting, that is, it applies to any type of organization, size, line of business, etc. It simply adapts considering all the variables.

Regarding who decides what to do, it is frequently the project leader who has led transformation initiatives with and without Change Management, knows the benefits or simply because the implementation methodology mentions it as a fundamental element for the success of the projects.


Change Management is not a fashionable topic, it is necessary if you want to implement a change in your organization and make it prevail over time and become your new present, it will accompany you in the process, it will identify the risks inherent to people, It will help you sell the benefits to achieve better adoption, adaptation and internalization of it before, during and after the life of your project.

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